Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Google Earth Pro Goes Free!!!

Google Earth Pro Goes Free!!!

Google Earth Pro License is now free!

Can you imagine? An application which was once worth of almost US$ 400 is now absolutely free! Recently Google has made the Google Earth Pro license open for all. Earlier the users could use the Google Earth without license. But they had to pay to upgrade to the pro version. Now, you can apply for a free license for the pro version!

Google Earth Pro

Google Earth is not a recent invention at all. Most of the people of the web are familiar with this amazing tool which was created more than a decade ago. Google Earth is a free application which allows you to - 
  • Fly around the cities or the entire world
  • Explore the geographical areas
  • Trace out the business locations
  • Zoom out to street level

Only a few days ago, the Earth Pro users had to pay $399 dollar per year as subscription charge. But Google has made the license free for all from January 20, 2015. Not many people used to purchase the key for pro version. And the features of earth pro are not necessary for all. But certainly the pro version will be more helpful for the users. 

With Google Earth Pro, you can - 
  • Locate your target more accurately
  • Measure the distances and areas 
  • Get high quality images to be used in reports or presentations
  • Create movie and map
  • Count traffic 
  • And more . . . 

Get the Earth Pro Now . . .
  1. Visit Google Earth Pro Download Page.
  2. Choose latest version 7.1 and hit on the button Agree and Download.
  3. Its about 25 MB in size. After completing the download, install it normally. 

Google Earth Icon

How to Get the Free License for Pro Version?

To get the free license, follow the steps below:
  1. Go to the Sign up page.
  2. Fill out the form properly (All fields are required). 
  3. Hit on the Sign me up button.
  4. If everything is okay, you will receive an email with license key immediately.*
* Wait 24 hours in case of delay.

After getting the license, launch Google Earth Pro. Hit on the login button. Enter the following information - 
  • Username: Your Email Address through which you registered
  • License Key: The key that youve received i.e. J2PMQ1DBS12NNCF 

You Should Know . . . 
  • Google Earth is somewhat heavier. Your PC should be of good configuration to run it smoothly. (Dual Core processor recommended)
  • Your net connection must be strong enough to support quick loading. (At least 512 kpbs or 1 mbps recommended)
  • Existing license holders dont need to do anything. Their licenses have already been extended.

Fore more information, please visit Google Earth Pro . . .

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